
class pygamelib.actuators.PathFinder(game=None, actuated_object=None, circle_waypoints=True, parent=None)


This module assume a one step movement. If you need more than one step, you will need to sub-class this module and re-implement next_waypoint().

This actuator is a bit different than the simple actuators (SimpleActuators) as it requires the knowledge of both the game object and the actuated object.

The constructor takes the following parameters:

  • game (pygamelib.engine.Game) – A reference to the instanciated game engine.
  • actuated_object (pygamelib.board_items.BoardItem) – The object to actuate. Deprecated in favor of parent. Only kept for backward compatibility.
  • parent (pygamelib.board_items.BoardItem) – The parent object to actuate.
  • circle_waypoints (bool) – If True the next_waypoint() method is going to circle between the waypoints (when the last is visited, go back to the first)
__init__(game=None, actuated_object=None, circle_waypoints=True, parent=None)

The constructor simply construct an Actuator. It takes on positional paraneter: the parent object.


__init__([game, actuated_object, …]) The constructor simply construct an Actuator.
add_waypoint(row, column) Add a waypoint to the list of waypoints.
clear_waypoints() Empty the waypoints stack.
current_path() This method simply return a copy of the current path of the actuator.
current_waypoint() Return the currently active waypoint.
find_path() Find a path to the destination.
next_action() That method needs to be implemented by all behavioral actuators or a NotImplementedError exception will be raised.
next_move() This method return the next move calculated by this actuator.
next_waypoint() Return the next active waypoint.
pause() Set the actuator state to PAUSED.
remove_waypoint(row, column) Remove a waypoint from the stack.
set_destination([row, column]) Set the targeted destination.
start() Set the actuator state to RUNNING.
stop() Set the actuator state to STOPPED.