
class pygamelib.board_items.Player(**kwargs)

A class that represent a player controlled by a human. It accepts all the parameters from Character and is a Movable.

This class sets a couple of variables to default values:

  • max_hp: 100
  • hp: 100
  • remaining_lives: 3
  • attack_power: 10
  • movement_speed: 0.1 (one movement every 0.1 second). Only useful if the game mode
    is set to MODE_RT.


If no inventory is passed as parameter a default one is created.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(**kwargs) Initialize self.
can_move() Movable implements can_move().
collides_with(other) Tells if this item collides with another item.
column Convenience method to get the current stored column of the item.
debug_info() Return a string with the list of the attributes and their current value.
display() Print the model WITHOUT carriage return.
distance_to(other) Calculates the distance with an item.
has_inventory() This method returns True (a player has an inventory).
height Convenience method to get the height of the item.
inventory_space() This is a virtual method that must be implemented in deriving class.
overlappable() This method returns false (a player cannot be overlapped).
pickable() This method returns False (a player is obviously not pickable).
position_as_vector() Returns the current item position as a Vector2D
row Convenience method to get the current stored row of the item.
store_position(row, column) Store the BoardItem position for self access.
width Convenience method to get the width of the item.